- I’m trying to do vegan paleo. Why can’t I have grains? Is sugar really bad? Help!
- I'd like some information on how to defend plant-based eating over the Paleo Diet.
- I want to go vegan very badly, but we live on a VERY tight budget. I also can’t have soy, any hope?
- Do you have any favorite nutrition/vegan blogs to recommend for my list of reading?
- Do any books support your diet?
- Are 1-minute quick oats an okay substitute for rolled oats?
- Do you use a rice cooker?
- Do you recommend any books or films?
- I am on the low side of diabetes. I do not take meds or insulin. Is this the right way for me to eat?
- What are e-cookbooks? and e-Courses? Are they still available?
- What Knife Do You Use? Knife Techniques?